Types of headstones that a stonemason can make for you

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Types of headstones that a stonemason can make for you

Types of headstones that a stonemason can make for you

24 February 2017
, Blog

In life, there are several events beyond your control, like fate and death. Death comes at the most random times in peoples' lives as some people live to a ripe old age before departing this Earth, while others die in their prime at a young age. As you are left mourning for the departed soul, one of the best ways to appreciate the person at the burial is by using a headstone. A headstone is a perfect way of memorialising your loved one for generations to come. You can request your local stonemason to design one for the occasion. The headstone's design can be used to showcase the deceased's lifestyle as well as personal tastes. Numerous headstones are available and selecting one might be a challenge for you. This discussion will inform you of the various types of headstones available in the market:

Flat or Flush

A flat or flash headstone is a small grave marker that is placed flat on the ground. They are popular in most parts of the world because they are exceptionally economical and affordable. This headstone can also be raised slightly off the ground, thus referred to as a raised-top flush marker. They are made from bronze and granite materials, which allow you to select from an array of colours. Lastly, they are available in different designs, shapes, finishes and texture.

Slant marker

A slant marker is also referred to as the cemetery slant, mini headstone and the slanted gravestone. This is because the headstone has a large base that is inclined at a 45-degree angle from the ground. The slanting front part of the headstone is mounted on either cement or granite foundation to increase its stability. It is mainly used to mark the exact location where the deceased was buried in a piece of land.

Upright gravestone  

Just as the headstone's name suggests, the upright gravestone is a tall stone structure with a tablet on the top part and a large base. These are the most common headstones you can find in cemeteries, and they weigh approximately 200 kilogrammes.

Bevel marker

The bevel marker is also known as the pillow marker. It mostly resembles the slant marker but has a less inclined angle. Its back part is raised several inches above the ground, more than the front part, thus resembling a raised-top flush marker. Nonetheless, the bevel marker is placed many inches off the ground.

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Get the Job Done with a General Contractor

Hello, my name is Phil. Welcome to my blog. I recently bought a new property at a great price. Unfortunately, the place was pretty old and shabby. I tried to do some DIY projects in my spare time, but it was taking a long time and my wife wasn't very happy. Thankfully, my friend suggested I hire a general contractor. The guy I hired was great and was able to do a wide range of jobs. He soon fixed up the place and had it looking great. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to hire a general contractor.
